Friday, May 23, 2014

Flock Update

Well these chicks are around 2 1/2 weeks old now,
with Gonzo being the eldest at 3 weeks and 1 day.

I though I'd show how much these Chicks have grown this last week

Gonzo has fluffed out a little
and is looking a bit more attractive.
Someone said it's a he but we will see.
I come out of the box EVERY time the top is lifted.
I fly quite well.

Sarafina the Heritage Mahogany Rhode Island Red
is quite the character, & the most tolerant of
being handled at all times. I can almost reach the
top of the box with my fluffy wings.

Sophira The Barred rock has doubled in size
and her new barred feathers are showing so pretty.
She is very independent but friendly.
She also like to be with her flock, calling
LOUDLY to them when she is out of the box alone.
She is a great flyer at this time.

Sarah & Kayce We don't know what your history/breeding is
but you guys sure are cute. Kayce has become quite
friendly, while Sarah doesn't let her get too far or
too much attention from her...:)These two are great flyers
and can hit the edsges of the box from one side to the other
No Problem. We just wish we knew the breed.

Alice the Silver Laced Wyandotte
She will be our lap chicken I am sure.
She just gets on your knee and takes a chill.
She's working out her wings a lot
but she can't quite reach the top lip
of the box.

We don't know what Gender you are little
Polish Bantam Scar (Scarlett) but
we're glad you finally got used to us. Quite flighty
and skiddish to start, but now flies to top of box rim
just to be petted then back down in the box Chicky will hop.
We can't wait to see how your hair grows out.

I Believe these critters are moving to the Farm this weekend
so they'll have lots of time to get acquainted with Butterscotch

We've had a fluttering good time with these chicks
but I do not see us working with more than a couple at a time again.
One tip to remember, cleanliness is a must.
When these chicks leave our bathroom it's getting
disinfected & steam cleaned, top to bottom.
Salmonella is no joke.
Do not feel intimidated by visitors, be sure
they wash before handling chicks & after. It's important
to make the kids understand & appreciate nature's good sides
& not so desirable sides (like germs).

We're excited for these guys/gals to get in the permanent coop.
I think we are going to use the deep litter method for composting
purposes. We're clearing out the old eggs this weekend, They'll be
tilled into the garden by the tomatoes for a calcium boost, as well
as deer repellant if there's any odor left.
You can look at my other blog "What...Me bloggin'...?"
for more info on calcium needs of tomatoes
just plug in Calcium to the blogger search bar on the right.

Have a great Friday
Keep it Green ~V

look up more chicken informations at

1 comment:

  1. The chicks moved into the long raised run this afternoon, The chicken mama was tired of cleaning up the poopies.
    Butterscotch had no issues with them, & they've got a cool weekend to settle in.
