Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Bantams 1...2...3...4...Hatched 6/16/2014

How can we NOT share cutie patootie pics with you all
Here is our latest additions to our flock

I personally think these are going to be really cool
to watch develop. Their mother and father are both beautiful black bantams.
We love their iridescent feathering and little reddish color on the male.

But what of these babes, Black/Brown & Grays
Fun with Feathers

Monday, June 16, 2014

Growing Some Chickens

Updating on how our Flock is Growing
Butterscotch is crowing so He is a beautiful BOY
We are undecided on a couple of the others genders but we are thinking
Sohpira is going to have to be renamed...LOL
But here are a few shots we took today
I hope you enjoy, it really has been a good project so far for the
young one. The ChickenMama

We are going to me having some Bailey's Birthday Chickens
Moving into the brooder bin by this weekend.
Black Bantams...YAY

Our Partridge Plymouth Rock Babes


Our LME Lotto Winner Chicken

Alice the Wyandotte

and little Sarafina
the vacuum of the bunch
looks like a little brick with legs...lol
purchased as a Heritage Mahogany RIR

If anyone looking can give us a hint on gender
or some direction on the breed of Gonzo it would be much appreciated
just leave it in the comments:)
if we see any eggs it's be September here

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Gonzo & The Flock

Gonzo will be 1 month old on Tuesday, June 3rd.
We will be having a Corn Biscuit B-day Party and all
chicks are invited.

Here's a look at Sophira & Scar today
as they scratched thru a bit of worm dirt for
a little treat.

Sarah (Hopefully a Partridge Plymouth Rock)

Kayce Still like to be handled a good bit

Sarafina Short Fat & Happy

Alice Feathers Be Changing

We're watching Sarah & Kayce close, we plan to show one or both in the fair.
We also plan to get a hold of a silkie roo to see if we can hatch off some
partridge silkies. (Teddy Bear Chickens are awesome)

Have a great day
Come back for more updates soon.

Butterscotch 2 months old

Butterscotch is 2 months old
We're having a corn biscuit party on Tuesday when
Gonzo turns 1 month old.

Butterscotch reminds me of a cat.
Very independent, but extremely curious every
time you visit. She still loves my fingernails.
She also will come to you and be very still when
she wants a little pick me up.

She has developed some black feathers on her
tail that are beautifully edged in gold, & very
iridescent in the sunlight.

She is also getting a few patches of dark red_gold
on her sides. We're excited to see how she is
colored up by Laying time.

We also cleaned out the Perma-coop today.
There were 30 silkie eggs from previous tenants.

We're looking at a move in date of June 27th

Look at Butterscotch now.

Expecting first eggs around the day School Starts Back.

Have a great day

Duckling Rescue

Sometimes you just have to say Whoa!
This is what we did at the farm this week as the
farmer was going to end a little Mallard duckling's
life, because he thought he was too sickly to go
on. So for now we have Wilbur (Charlotte's Web Ref)
It may turn out to be a feisty Wilma...LOL

We tried to see if the chickens would let in another
roommate, alas but no. So we will strengthen it up
enough to release back onto the farm.

It took about 12 hours for it to decide the Hunger Strike
was not the way to go :) We all felt better after it decided to
have a little crumbles.
This is a Farm Duckling, but those ducks do not get handled
so I get this is a big change of life. Pet life has advantages
both kids are already wanting to let it in the shower with them.
Something the chicken didn't like at all...:)

Anyway it'll get our feet wet so to say with Raising Ducks.
We wanted to get a few Cayuga next spring, or Indian runners.
We want to not have to buy eggs again, so the Poultry
Experiment will continue.

Wilbur is about 1 week old in these images.
I hope the kids have fun.
We're going into the yard with a large kiddy pool today.

You know this will be a fun photo project for me.

Have A Blessed Day
Check out my newest recipe on my other blogger
Biscuit Pizza