Saturday, December 27, 2014

Bailey's Birds ~ Little Help From My Friends ~ Fundraiser

We've been so busy that we haven't had time
for posting regular and for that we apologize
We'll post a few updated things for you all
We are hosting a Fundraiser to try and help us with
Chicken expenses please take a moment to share with everyone you know.
We have a meager goal 150 shirts to sell
we must sell 11 for them even to print.

Bailey wants to keep around 25 chickens, Plus a few younger ones
to show and sell. She is wanting part of these to feed the family
with meat and eggs. I think it is quite and industrious idea
for such a young gal.
Our sweet 6 yr old entrepreneur needs to get thru the winter
with supplies food, and wire fencing. But she needs another incubator
which with hatching chicks will help the chickens pay for themselves.
We will probably purchase a second hand one in good condition to save
I am surprised Chickens were such a good fit with her. and every aspect
she is having positive dealings.
We are just passing ove our Christmas Eve hatching chicks.
We hatched 17 sold 14 and kept 2 in hopes one will look like her original
Hen she won from school.
This was her second hatch, and her Blended EE's have sold very well.

This fundraiser will also help her to teach other kids about chickens,
and give her the flexibility to do what she wants, which is giver a few
chickens(chicks) away. It has taught her about life lessons, time management
skills, and even public speaking skills (it gives her a common ground with folks
to overcome shyness).

Please consider our fundraiser.